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Swimming Gala Fixture List & Results Table

Swimming Gala Fixture List & Results Table

This excel document will help keep track of any swimming galas / mock races that you complete as either in inter-school fixture, intra-school house competition, or within swimming lessons at the end of a unit of work. Simply put the students into groups (up to 5 teams for each lane) and then enter their names into the document. Print the ‘printable team sheet’ and get students to work out who will compete in each event (2 students per stroke). You can include all strokes and events or take some out as you please. Students then compete in the races and you can track the results at the end of each race / at the end of the lesson or event - the document will work out points and rankings for you, all you need to do is enter the position they came in each race on the first tab ‘Overall Results’ Enjoy! If you do have any feedback for the document, please let me know as I am always trying to upgrade and improve the resources I can share to colleagues.
Inter-House League Competition Table

Inter-House League Competition Table

This excel document can track two leagues or one league at a time. It can be used in lessons or inter-house competitions for a variety of sports; football, basketball, handball, rugby, etc. I have recently used it to track the inter-house (5 teams) handball competition on sports days and an inter-form (10 teams) football competition for year 7s. It is easy to use, I had one person inputting results - the document does the rest for you. I am always looking to improve resources, therefore if you have any feedback that would be great.
Badminton/Tennis/T.Tennis Competition Table

Badminton/Tennis/T.Tennis Competition Table

This excel document will allow you to track the results of a competition in table tennis, badminton, tennis, or similar sport where students compete in a 1v1 competitive environment. Simple instructions of use: Tab 1 - split students into 2-6 teams and then input their students names Tab 2 - every week (end of each lesson) input the scores from the fixture lists. This could be done continuously throughout the lesson. The table will calculate final points and results for you. Enjoy!
Student Voice: Reforming PE

Student Voice: Reforming PE

A questionnaire that can be used to gain student voice about Physical Education in your school / trust. The link on page 4 is an online version I created from this document. Activities: Martens et al. (1990) questionnaire on anxiety towards competitive situations and sport. Students rate their opinions to each statement. Gives a good insight into their attitude and feelings towards PE at school and school sport. Sports selections that students would enjoy in the curriculum/part of extra-curricular clubs.
R185 Task 1 Key Components of Sports Performance

R185 Task 1 Key Components of Sports Performance

R185 Key Components of Sports Performance This resource can be used to assess a sports perfomer in an individual or team sport or activitiy. It has been adapted to the new Cambridge National Sports Studies course. Adaptable to suit any sport (simply change the key skills in the table) Includes tactical assessment. Key words and phrases from the marking criteria have been used in the assessment sheet. Can be used to give quick and easy feedback to the students about their performances - tick/points rating. Can be used to inform a teachers observation witness statement as evidence for their abilities. The teacher is aware of what their students can and cannot do. Easy to use and therefore means multiple assessments can be completed during the same match. Please note: this is a word document of the excel spreadsheet I uploaded. For some reason the excel document was not showing in my store view. No guarantees.
R185 - Key Components of Performance

R185 - Key Components of Performance

R185 - Performance & Coaching Unit This simple resource can be used for task 1 and task 2 ‘Key Components of Performance worksheet’ of the new Cambridge National Sports Studies course. It is quick and easy to assess students with this worksheet, quickly ticking/making comments about each of the performance skills & tactical application during perforance. The resource can be adapted easily to suit any sport, simply fill our the individual skills on the left hand side of the key skills and tactics. Two for one resource; there is a tab for individual sports/activities and another tab for team sports/activities. Adapted to fit in with the Cambridge National Sports Studies criteria. It can be used to inform your witness statements and what to include.
R185 - Coaching Observation Tick Sheet

R185 - Coaching Observation Tick Sheet

Task 4 - R185 Performance & Coaching Unit A word document that can be used to give easy, quick, and instant feedback to students when they are delivering their session plan. Covers key words and inclusive points from the specification and marking criteria. This can be used for Task 4 (teacher observation) of the R185 Performance and Coaching unit of the new Cambridge National Sports Studies course. No guarantees.